Friday, August 21, 2009

Day 2 update

Well, some coherence has returned to my foggy brain and tired body. I just came from the Team USA meeting, meeting over 80 transplant athletes from all over the country, their loved ones, donor families, and living donors, for a total team of 164! A very pumped up team, btw.

I was able to sleep from 9:30pm to 5:45 am today (Saturday), though staying up til nighttime was a challenge. It was recommended to me by many people to get on the OZ schedule asap, to recover well from the monster trip on a monster 747 w/ 2 levels. First class was on top, in case you are wondering.

I enjoyed some Vietnamese chicken rice noodle soup last night, eating outside w/ fellow team members. I am on the 22nd floor in a corner room, w/ a view of the ocean and the strip, including hotels, lakes, shopping centers, and a casino, all beautifully lighted up at night. Someone has to suffer in a room, like this, why not me?

Hopefully some pics will be up later tonight! Special thanks to all my supporter!

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Welcome to heart2swim

Thank you for visiting my blog! You will find the latest on the development of TI in the Triangle area, as well as well as my own personal jouney from a heart transplant to competitive swimming. TI Swimming is more than simply a business, it is my passion! I hope you enjoy the posts and pics, and freely add your comments.

I currently coordinate the Adult Swim programming at Rex Wellness Center in Wakefield, and private and group lessons are available to members and non-members. Easy Freestyle Workshops are co-sponsored by the FS series,, and are offered in Raleigh and Charlotte. You can reach me at or 919-757-1230.