Thursday, May 14, 2009

Motivation Station

Wow, what a couple of days I have enjoyed. I was invited to speak at a conference for approx. 100 chaplains, about my heart transplant and how to effectively minister to donor families. For recipients like myself, we would not be here w/o them. When I share about my medals won swimming at the US Games, I am clear to say they are not just mine, but belong to all who helped me get where I am today. My life is a gift.

Becoming an athlete again is one of the most wonderful blessings I've received since my transplant in July 2005. Swimming is an integral part of my identity. Total Immersion has allowed that part of me to grow and explore new frontiers. Today was a great motivator for me in training for the World Games. How can you not be inspired when meeting a 12 year old girl who received a new heart from a 30 yr old man who died tragically last year? After hearing her mother talk about how she suffered and then received a life-saving transplant, it was hard not to be moved. It was awesome! Not many dry eyes today, including mine.

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Welcome to heart2swim

Thank you for visiting my blog! You will find the latest on the development of TI in the Triangle area, as well as well as my own personal jouney from a heart transplant to competitive swimming. TI Swimming is more than simply a business, it is my passion! I hope you enjoy the posts and pics, and freely add your comments.

I currently coordinate the Adult Swim programming at Rex Wellness Center in Wakefield, and private and group lessons are available to members and non-members. Easy Freestyle Workshops are co-sponsored by the FS series,, and are offered in Raleigh and Charlotte. You can reach me at or 919-757-1230.