Sunday, November 2, 2008

Y Lessons in 3 days!

Currently, there are 5 swimmers registered for the Total Immersion Swim Lessons that begin this Wednesday. Ages range from 12 to over 40 yrs old. I am excited to get started, and to have such a motivated assistant, Bridget. I've also started private lessons for children at the Y, though not officially Total Immersion-based. It is amazing to witness how simple adjustments in technique transform into instant success and satisfaction for the student, whether he/she is an adult or child.
"TI likes to move it, move it..." (Madagascar 2 is coming out)

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Welcome to heart2swim

Thank you for visiting my blog! You will find the latest on the development of TI in the Triangle area, as well as well as my own personal jouney from a heart transplant to competitive swimming. TI Swimming is more than simply a business, it is my passion! I hope you enjoy the posts and pics, and freely add your comments.

I currently coordinate the Adult Swim programming at Rex Wellness Center in Wakefield, and private and group lessons are available to members and non-members. Easy Freestyle Workshops are co-sponsored by the FS series,, and are offered in Raleigh and Charlotte. You can reach me at or 919-757-1230.