Friday, June 18, 2010
TV interview about TI & fitness swimming
Sunday, June 13, 2010
This is Chuck Holder from the workshop May 29 and 30. I swam yesterday for the first time since the workshop and am excited about the improvements. I have been drilling and working on technique a bit since the class, but no actual swimming until yesterday. I did a 500 in 9:30, which was a best for me.
What's great though is the ease I used and the way I felt when I finished. I felt like I had not done anything and that I could have continued for a mile. My heart rate was low and so was my breathing. My previous best 500 was about 10 min, but after doing so, I was about to pass out and was completely gassed. To feel like I did yesterday at the finish for my old swimming style would have resulted in about a 12 min. 500.
I am very excited about the future and know that more improvement is to come. I was worried about not swimming since the class and only drilling with a 1500 swim leg of a triathlon coming up this Sunday. I wanted to do some swimming to ensure that I have not lost any fitness. I did about 2000 total and was amazed that I felt better than I have ever felt swimming after close to two weeks with out swimming laps.
Prior to the class, I was looking to TI as a last resort. I had about decided I was stuck where I was as a poor swimmer, and that I was not going to get any better. I now feel like I have the knowledge and tools to go forward.
Thank you for your help, Chuck Holder (Georgia)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Reflections from Alcatraz
Here are some thoughts post-escape:
1. Wetsuits have limited benefits
Yes, I wore a full wetsuit in this race. TI founder, Terry Laughlin, is known to never wear one, regardless of the temperature. He's not the only one, a TI swimmer who lives in San Francisco, swims 6 days a week in the Bay w/o a wetsuit. But, for me, when you're talking 55 degree water...right.
This is the first time I've worn a full wetsuit, having donned a sleeveless in lake swims. It is now crystal clear to me that the extra buoyancy that so many triathletes crave from their Blue Seventy, is a significant barrier to feeling the water. I found myself frequently through the 1.5 mile swim not feeling my patient catch out front, leading to difficulty in engaging core drive for propulsion.
TI really emphasizes swimming through the water, not on top of it. What a difference. Neoprene actually inhibits a swimmer's capacity to swim efficiently. Fish swim through the H2O, not on the surface, why shouldn't we? A good question.
Therefore, if the water is cold enough, bring me my Vortex LJ. If frigid cold like at Alcatraz, my Nineteen Tsunami will do the trick. Last week, I swam in Falls Lake at 74 degrees w/o a wetsuit, and it was a piece of cake. Hopefully, the cold water experience will enhance my tolerance and ability to swim well in cooler temps.
Ideally, I'll just take the water and TI. Yet, the wetsuits stay in the closet.
2. Becoming a "finisher" is worth the sacrifice.
Everyone who competed at the Escape received an Alcatraz medal, proudly worn by the 1800 competitors after finishing. Engraved on the back of the medal is the word, "finisher." Awesome word.
I had heard how big an event the Escape was, but could not truly appreciate the gravity of the race til I was there. Triathletes were there from 30 different countries, and no telling how many states. I was fortunate to be invited to swim on a relay, which was sponsored by IMG, the company who owns the race. Many athletes had to wait several years for the privilege to participate, and many people traveled from one of 30 different countries. The financial sacrifice was not minimal.
While times are important for any athlete, whether a personal best or Hunter Kemper's winning time of sub 2 hrs (sick!), finishing rules the day. For me, I was pleased w/ my time of 31:48, yet take more pride in knowing I achieved the goal. Being the first heart transplant recipient to successfully swim the Escape from Alcatraz really makes all the cost of preparing--open water training and races, anxiety & time away from home--worth it.
What are you planning to "finish" this season? No matter how small the goal, be an achiever and finish strong!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Today, I was taken on a serious tour of San Francisco, and it was amazing! Fisherman's wharf, sea lions, Golden Gate Bridge, Presidio, Ghiardeli chocolates, trolleys and cable cars, etc. Very very impressive and beautiful. Will bring lots of pics. We swam in Aquatic park, to get used to the mid-50s temp, and some waves. It was a decent swim, not losing too much breath and getting warm enough to keep going. Though Ray left me behind, it has helped my confidence for Sunday. When coming out of the water, I jogged a short ways to prepare for the 1/2 mile run to the transition from the water's edge. Fish (snapper) for dinner and gift shopping.
The Sports Basement was the place for one of many pre-race meetings, getting advice and many questions answered. Well worth the time. The store is a triathlete's dream! Now I'm back at the house and will hit the hay soon. It has been fun sharing w/ many locals and fellow Escapees that I am proudly swimming on the World Transplant Team. Being a heart tx recipient has its advantages, one of which is the ability to impress some of the toughest athletes on the planet.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
One day til takeoff

Monday, April 19, 2010
Preparing for Alcatraz--Overcoming Anxiety
I am an anxious person, admittedly. When pursuing a new goal, the heat gets turned up so to speak. I had a great deal of anxiety last year at the World Tx Games, especially before my first race, the 400 m freestyle. Being on the other side of the world, competing w/ the best transplant athletes on the planet, while representing our country, big deal. As I have entered the world of open water swimming, a different form of anxiety arises.
For me, the Alcatraz represents pushing my limits farther than I "think" I should. Why would I want to swim in mid-50s water w/ current and chop for over 1 mile w/ 1800 other swimmers? The pack can be crazy, I could lose my breath, get dizzy, my heart takes forever to raise its rate for what my body needs, etc. Yet, the nonsense of it makes the most sense. Why do it? b/c I can. A man decided before he died that he wanted his heart to be given to someone who would die w/o it. He chose to give life, so it is my obligation, and delight, to live life.
Since the decision is made, and not worth dwelling on anymore, how to overcome anxiety. Well, good preparation is the first step. I swam a 1 mile race at Beaverdam 2 weeks ago, at 68 degrees, then swam off HWY 98 w/o a wetsuit in 66 degrees. Then, today in 67 degrees at Beaverdam. I purchased a full wetsuit, a Nineteen Tsunami, and broke it in this afternoon. I've been talking to others who have done the swim, and read articles on how to successfully escape.
I also have a plan on what to focus on in my swim. I have been aware of some technique areas that seem to be more work than they should when I've swum open water. Core rotation, arm recovery early, and utilizing a 2 beat kick, to name a few. After I jump off the ferry, I will get several deep breaths, before proceeding w/ freestyle. I've also committed myself to enjoying the swim, my goal to avoid the temptation to compare myself w/ faster swimmers and better athletes. And, I plan to stop to do a few moments of breaststroke, and enjoy the view of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Denial is considered the way not to overcome anxiety. However, since the swim is next Sunday, I don't have time to worry over the sharks! What is a shark, anyway?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Preparing for Alcatraz as a Heart Recipient

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Preparing for Alcatraz
While I never stated my goals this year, they include swimming open water rather than competitive pool racing, such as Masters. Last year in OZ, I got a huge dose of sprint racing, and it was awesome, even scary. However, my heart longs to achieve in a new venue, and I believe it relates to my role as a certified coach for TI swimming. I spend so much time training folks for open water, that I feel driven to enter the fray, or pack. It only makes good business sense, too :-)
The first step to completing the Alcatraz swim was to race in the 5280 at Beaverdam yesterday. This one mile swim had 59 participants, racing in 68 degree water rounding buoys in Falls Lake. I am pleased w/ my results, 23rd overall, 3rd in my age group, and feeling stronger in the 2nd half than the first. The last part is thanks to TI. Time of 28 min, 9 sec.
What I am taking from the swim is the belief that I can swim the 1.5 across the SF bay in colder water than I've ever swum in. Yesterday was colder than ever before, so it can be done again! Regarding technique, I often found myself not kicking, instead of effectively utilizing a 2 beat kick. I also need to practice sighting, as I veered to the right a time or two, or five. My arm recovery, head position, and tracks felt right on.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Heart2swim is going to Escape from Alcatraz!
I trust this email finds you well, and ready for the tri season to get in gear. First, I want to share that I have been invited to join a triathlon relay at the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon on May 2, in San Francisco. I will be swimming on one of two World Transplant Teams, which are comprised solely of organ transplant recipients, coordinated by heart recipient, Bill Wohl. You can learn more about his involvement w/ professional athletics and transplantation at,
Obviously, this will be a challenging race for me, a 1.5 mile swim in cold water w/ a multitude of swimmers, followed by a run to the first transition. I can say w/o reservation that TI swimming is what is making this possible for me. In addition, I relish the opportunity to display the success of transplantation and share the message that over 100,000 people are on the waiting list for a life-saving organ in the U.S. This July will be my 5th year post-transplant.
I welcome your support, encouragement and tips for a successful race, so please don't hesitate to email or call. If you have interest in providing any practical support, my biggest needs are airfare, a full body wetsuit, and basic travel costs. Our relay entry fee has been donated to the Bill Wohl Foundation. I can offer more details on how to help when you contact me.
This will lead to one significant change, rescheduling the Easy Freestyle Workshop in Charlotte, NC, on May 2. The future date has yet to be determined. You can stay current on all clinics being offerered, both Basic and Advanced, at
Please keep me posted on your swimming progress. Never give up on becoming the best swimmer you can. And remember, TI will get you there!
swimming for life,
Monday, February 22, 2010
Feb. 2010 update
This email is to announce a new Easy Freestyle Clinic that will be offered in Charlotte on Sat, May 1, 12:30-4:30pm, at the Mecklenburg Aquatic Center. Registration will begin soon, and can be done on the FS Series site, I will also be available for private lessons on Sunday from 1-4pm.
The EF Clinics have been going very well. The March 6th workshop is already full, so don't delay if you plan on participating in the clinic on April 3. Two EF: Advanced Clinics are on the calendar, Feb 27 and March 27, at Gypsy Divers in Raleigh. It is a great follow up to an initial exposure to TI, and focuses on advanced TI skills, such as increasing hip drive and forward propulsion, utilizing a 2 beat kick, and achieving greater endurance and SPEED!!
Please visit my website,, which has been redone and is looking good. And, remember you can get 10% off your order from the TI site by using the discount code "coachbrian" The Easy Freestyle DVD is an exceptional resource, and offers valuable training assistance, whether before or after a TI workshop.
Private and semi-private lessons available anytime at Rex Wellness Center in Wakefield. See you at the pool!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Helping people with H2O phobias
This is a nice article on my work w/ swimmers w/ phobias. TI helps those struggling w/ fear of the water, too. Enjoy.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
TI helps save a life!
I haven't been swimming since I went to the Caribbean in early Dec. and plan to start again today...but here is a great swimming lesson story.
In St. Thomas I was snorkeling and my sister was blobbing in the water floating on a "noodle" (she carries them in her suit case when we travel to water places!). A large sail boat anchored near the beach and the captain let the people either swim to shore or ride in the dingy. A couple was swimming to shore when the man realized he couldn't make it and started to go under...his wife screamed, we noticed it and I took off my snorkel gear, grabbed a noodle from my sister and swam (using TI of course) the noodle over to the couple. Everyone's day ended happy!
So, you took an 55 year old woman who didn't like to put her head in the water and didn't know how to swim, to a person who helped save someone's less than 6 months!
Thanks so much! I swam everyday when my sister and I were on vacation...not so much over the holidays. Now I'm looking forward to getting my husband to water so I can show him how easy it is to swim!
Raleigh, NC
Welcome to heart2swim
I currently coordinate the Adult Swim programming at Rex Wellness Center in Wakefield, and private and group lessons are available to members and non-members. Easy Freestyle Workshops are co-sponsored by the FS series,, and are offered in Raleigh and Charlotte. You can reach me at or 919-757-1230.